Vencen Marine recognizes the need to combat drug and alcohol abuse on board its vessels. Such abuse directly impacts a seafarer's fitness and ability to perform shipboard duties, and it is a significant cause of marine accidents. Seafarers under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted to perform their duties. Therefore, Vencen Marine's policy strictly prohibits the misuse of legitimate drugs, as well as the use, possession, distribution, or sale of any illicit drugs on vessels. Any substances that cause or contribute to unacceptable job performance or unusual behavior are also prohibited.
The objective of Vencen Marine's policy is to conduct frequent, unannounced, random tests as an effective deterrent against drug and alcohol abuse. Officers and crew will be subjected to these surprise tests by the company's doctor at least once a year. This policy will remain in force unless specifically notified otherwise. The undersigned commits to exercising due diligence to ensure compliance with the policy. It is understood that an actual impairment or any test finding of impairment does not imply that the company has failed to exercise due diligence.
Seafarers found consuming alcohol or drugs on board will have their contracts terminated immediately. They will bear the repatriation costs and will not be re-employed by the company.